Monday, February 5, 2018

Am I Good Enough?

I had a different post in mind for today, and went to the youth website to find a resource I wanted to link to, but then I saw this video and clicked on it:

This is taken from a general conference talk by Elder Cornish in October 2016. I remember watching that talk and thinking how awesome and comforting it was. The teachings in that talk inspire me and remind me that as long as I am really trying, I'm doing enough! If I keep the commandments, and really desire to repent and change when I fall short, then that's enough. The Lord will make up the difference! That is what Jesus Christ does for us!

The Lord wants us to return home to Him, and He has made it as simple as possible - without taking away our agency. It is our responsibility to choose to do better, but as soon as we do that, the Lord will help us in that choice! Try it this week, and see if there is a difference in your answer to the question "Am I good enough? Will I make it?" Because if you really truly do your best, the answer will be yes.


  1. Hey Annalee, I heard a teacher once say that HUMILITY AND REPENTANCE are just as good as PERFECTION. When you think about that, it gives you so much hope. It is really true that the Lord just wants us to keep trying and putting forth our best effort! Great post!

    1. Oh, I love that thought! It makes so much sense when you think about it. Thanks for sharing!!!
