Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Integrity, YW in Excellence, and Things People Hang on Their Walls!!!

I promised I would post pictures of my Integrity project, which I displayed at our Stake Young Women in Excellence last week, and I am following up on that promise! Photos courtesy of my awesome mom!

My Title of Liberty 

Quote Book on Integrity and Honesty
For those of you who are not familiar with Personal Progress, there are eight values in which six experiences and one ten-hour project are completed. For my ten-hour project, I chose to research quotes in General Conference on the subjects of integrity and honesty and compile them into a quote book. But that was only the half of it! I also made a Title of Liberty that I'm going to hang in my bedroom where I can see it every day. This was a great experience (do you expect anything less from Personal Progress?!), although I have to admit that I found that I am not a huge fan of sewing...:) Well, you learn something new all the time, right?

Our Stake YW in Excellence was way cool! The theme was 'light'. Light is just a great thing! I even wrote a post about the sun (and the Son!) and its light in March or April. Our ward YW sang "Keepers of His Light" by Tyler Castleton and Jenny Phillips for the closing song, and the Spirit was so strong! I love that song! Definitely worth looking up and learning yourself or with your local YW!

I was reading a fantastic interview with President Nelson earlier and at the end there is a series of pictures of the things President Nelson displays in his office. There is a bust of the Savior, pictures of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve, a polished rock, a wooden beehive, and President Nelson's triple combination, among other things. I wonder--how do these items influence President Nelson's decisions, thoughts, and actions throughout his day? How do the things we display in our surroundings influence OUR decisions, thoughts, and actions? For example, the polished rock on President Nelson's desk may remind him of the importance of building our testimony on the Rock of our Savior, or being steadfast and immovable. Perhaps it reminds him of the stone Daniel saw in vision, tumbling down the mountain. Maybe he envisions becoming as polished as that stone in the hands of his Master. Whatever he thinks of, it must be of some importance if the stone is on his desk where he sees it for much of the time he is in his office!

My Title of Liberty will hopefully serve the same purpose. Same thing with the quote book. I want them in places where I can see them and be reminded of my commitment to stand for truth and righteousness!

What are some objects you surround yourself with and how do they remind you of good principles?


  1. Great job on your project! You are an amazing YW and I'm grateful for all I learn from you. I keep my kids around me lots to remind me to be good! ;)

  2. Good job, and thanks for sharing pictures! So fun to see your cute face.
    This was such a timely post. I am working on Choice and Accountability 1: following a pattern of regular scripture study and prayer to help me make wise choices. I picked getting up on time:) My quadruple combination is a physical reminder for me to wake up. I keep it by my alarm clock and it reminds me that I've set a goal to hold to my commitments. Sounds silly, but it works!

    1. That is so great! I love to hear these success stories!
